Peacebuilding in Britain seeks to develop and strengthen responsive, creative, and transformative approaches to peace and conflict in communities within Britain. This includes exploring what role Quakers can play in attending to deep divisions and conflict in our society.

Quakers see peace and cohesion as more than opposition to war and physical violence. It is a comprehensive approach to living in the world, which includes living in ways which strengthen community resilience and handling conflict in nonviolent ways.

Get involved


    Toolkit for action

    Engaging with conflict and challenging hate


    Accompaniment lies at the heart of our Peacebuilding in Britain approach. We offer participatory accompaniment with and among people engaged in transforming conflict and/or building capacities for peace in communities so their work will be supported and strengthened. Whether you are a Quaker or non-Quaker organisation or individual, if you are seeking to build peaceful relations, you are invited to connect with our team, email


    In our toolkit Engaging with Conflict, Challenging Hate you will find examples and guidance from conflict resolution practitioners that refer to specific divisions and hatreds, in particular around the far right. We hope that these case studies can help Quakers and community organisers reflect on how we grapple with and respond to conflict and hate. Engaging with conflict, challenging hate toolkit (PDF)

    Holding space

    Peacebuilding in Britain convene the Quaker Interfaith Peacebuilding Group and the Quaker Peacebuilding Network. These online gatherings are spaces to share experiences, difficulties and dilemmas, to identify emerging common challenges and share good stories and new ideas. Quakers whether in membership or not, may participate in these online spaces. If you would like to enquire, email:

    • The Quaker Interfaith Peacebuilding Group welcomes all Quakers in Britain seeking to strengthen their communities through building positive relations between faiths. Get in touch if you would like to join us.
    • The Quaker Peacebuilding Network welcomes Quakers in Britain and Ireland. This network includes Quakers with new interest or capacity for local peacebuilding as well as Quakers with considerable experience in fields of dialogue, mediation, reconciliation and others. This is distinctly work that helps communities to resolve differences peacefully and lay the foundations to prevent violence in its different forms. Get in touch if you would like to join us.

    Workshops and talks

    We are able to consider requests for workshops from Quaker and non-Quaker groups. If you would like to request a workshop or talk, email:

    • bespoke workshops on themes such as local peacebuilding, dialogue and disagreement, arts & conflict, conflict analysis, conflict transformation and community peacebuilding
    • 'Critical Incidents and conflict transformation' workshop. Although in the immediacy of a crisis, (such as major flooding), communities pull together. Those who are marginalised and suffering existing inequalities can be disproportionately impacted. This workshop facilitates thinking about how we respond to a crisis and the impacts of our actions for those particularly at the sharp end of structural violence.