Quaker work on peacebuilding and nonviolence supports and accompanies communities in conflict.

Peacebuilding in Britain

Peacebuilding in Britain develops and strengthen responsive, creative and transformative approaches to peace and conflict in communities within Britain. This includes exploring what role Quakers can play in attending to deep divisions and conflict in our society. Read more about the Peacebuilding in Britain programme.

East Africa

We work with local partners in Rwanda, Kenya and Burundi to build a positive, nonviolent grassroots peace movement. The Turning the Tide East Africa programme helps local activists to stand up for social justice and peace. Read more about Quaker work in East Africa.


Quakers have a long history of quiet assistance in peace processes in areas as diverse as Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland, Israel-Palestine and South Africa. This Quaker work focuses on supporting the reconciliation of opposed groups in conflict-ridden areas. Read more about international Quaker conciliation work.