These groups demonstrate some of the many interests and concerns that Quakers pursue as part of their wider commitment to their faith. Most groups meet up and organise activities - it's a great way to meet Quakers and make new contacts. Activities are usually open to non-Quakers. Do please contact a group if you are interested to know more about it.


Ackworth School creates a happy and safe environment where all pupils realise and develop their own special abilities in constant awareness of the needs and claims of others.


Registered charity number: 1175704

The Quaker Community Bamford CIO is a registered charity. The charity's main objective is to support and explore the general, religious and charitable purposes of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain. In particular but not exclusively by:

  • providing a place of spiritual retreat and joining the live-in community in seeking to live out Quaker Testimonies in daily life.
  • sharing an understanding, exploration and development of the Religious Society of Friends by providing hospitality, spiritual and working retreats.
  • providing pastoral care of visitors and community members.
  • stewardship of land and gardens (10 acres) in line with Quaker testimony to sustainability.
  • providing a space for Friends and others for spiritual renewal, respite, and retreat.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1178584

Bootham School aims to get the very best from the young people it cares for, setting them on a road of lifelong flourishing and fulfillment. It is a lovely, unique and successful school with an atmosphere all of its own. So much of this arises from Bootham's Quaker heritage, which provides the ethos, environment and framework of enduring values, practices and approaches. These underpin an education which fully addresses the real needs of modern young people and makes the school a happy and thriving community.


Registered charity number: 513645

Company number: 1686068

Breckenbrough is a Quaker managed, non-maintained special school for male students aged 9-19 who are on the autistic spectrum, along with other complexities such as ADHD, PDA, dyspraxia and dyslexia. They are one of only a few special schools which support students with high functioning autism in Britain that can offer a full national curriculum up to GCSE and A level standard for students from all over the UK.


The group works to raise funds and awareness from British Friends in support of the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA).


Claridge House is a residential centre for healing, rest and renewal offering courses and group or individual retreats. It provides a space where people of any faith or none may stay in peace and stillness before returning, rested and renewed, to their everyday lives. Courses are run on various topics and activities such as yoga, relaxation, led spiritual retreats, creative activities, led gentle walks in the local countryside. Therapies such as massage and spiritual healing are also available.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1167155

Conflict Minerals Campaign campaigns for the people of Congo (DRC) to benefit from their mineral wealth

Email address:


Dabane Support Fund raises money in the UK to support the Dabane Trust Water Workshops in Zimbabwe. It has been a concern of Mid-Somerset Area Meeting since 1991.

In Zimbabwe, the Dabane Trust provides simple technology to access groundwater in dry river beds for growing vegetables. Recently, the Trust has started funding special projects as well.

Discovering Quakers is a place for people curious about Quakers to find out more through articles, blog posts, videos and podcasts; and join events organised by Quakers.

It is also a place for Quaker groups, meetings and individuals to promote their activities to the public.

Discovering Quakers is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1206818


Escaping Victimhood has been set up to help people whoses lives have been fragmented by the trauma of serious crime to move from being a victim to a more positive future. After the justice process concludes many victims remain stuck in traumatic grief.


Experiment with Light works with the Quakers in Britain to facilitate the acceptance of Experiment with Light as a core Quaker spiritual practice. They support, co-ordinate and develop teaching and practice of Experiment with Light within Britain Yearly Meeting and beyond.

Email address:


The trust provides funding and practical support to poor and disadvantaged secondary school children in Rwanda. At least half of the supported students attend Quaker schools.


Registered charity number: 1176583

This group works for the public benefit, the advancement of community development for communities in Uganda. They liase with community organisations in Uganda and make grants. This enables them to fulfil specific community development projects, providing tangible assets for the community.

Email address:


FFH seek to uphold the healing ministry and promote healing. Groups meet to offer distant healing, which means entering into the Light oneself and consciously holding others in the Light.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 284459

The Friends Historical Society aims to promote the study of Quaker history and to further the religious beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends. They hold meetings, publish research findings and the Journal of the Friends Historical Society.

Email address:

Friends House Moscow Interest Group supports the work of Friends House Moscow, a charity for Quaker work and outreach in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. They welcome all Quakers interested in Russia. Friends House Moscow supports Quakers and seekers locally, translates and publishes Quaker books in Russian, maintains a Russian-language website for outreach. They work with local partners on projects in line with Quaker testimonies.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1055965

To develop and progress the vision of Pardshaw Quaker Centre as a resource for Quakers, other groups and the local community – a place for worship, relaxation, learning, fun, creative activities, or short breaks in simple, affordable accommodation, in a historical and peaceful setting.


The aims of Friends Schools Council include:

  • to encourage the expression of Quaker faith in action and the interpretation of Quaker vision within Friends Schools
  • to strengthen the network of support across the Friends Schools
  • to help Friends Schools to maintain their Quaker identity and ethos
  • to promote Quaker primary and secondary education
  • to work closely with Friends on the wider remit of promoting Quaker values in education

If you would like more information on Quaker schools in Britain and Ireland, visit our dedicated website (see below).


FSSE organises two residential Quaker events every year in August: Junior Gathering (formerly Summer School, ages 11-14) and Friends Southern Senior Conference (15-18). These events advocate the Quaker testimonies and are significant in the lives of those who attend. They build confidence, knowledge and supportive friendships which can last a lifetime.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1155420

Provides support to Quaker members and attenders who have Jewish connections, as they discern how they can best help Quaker-Jewish dialogue.

The group is establishing a cohousing community for the climate crisis that is guided by the Quaker principles of truth, peace, equality and simplicity. The project is aiming to build a community that lives in harmony with nature. In addition to housing, the project includes an education/spiritual centre to help people through the climate crisis.


A charitable trust telling the history and current activities of the peace movement through the provision of educational facilities and creation of a Museum for Peace. The Trust is the Quaker contact for 'The Peace Museum' charitable company.

Registered charity number: 327038

The Green Olive Trust provides educational opportunities for children in rural Western Kenya. This is an area where there is widespread poverty. Many children are orphaned as a result of violent conflict, and AIDS and other diseases. Primary education is free in Kenya but many children are prevented by lack of funding from progressing to high school and university. The project arises out of personal contacts between Quakers in Lewes, UK and Quakers in Kenya. The Green Olive Foundation in Kenya works closely with the schools in the region.


Registered charity number: 1165906

The Trust aims to relieve sickness and advance the education of children who are sick, recovering from sickness, or have learning difficulties.

It does this by offering grants to children's charities. The trustees meet twice a year and have made grant awards of over £1.75m to over 120 children's charities since the new charity emerged in 2004. The original Quaker charity, which was a Convalescent Home for Children, was established by John Horniman in 1889. The Trust offers a conference for charities which receive grants, held every other year at Woodbrooke.


Registered charity number: 222730

Leighton Park is a school that inspires achievement with values, character and community. This is the Leighton Park difference and has been since their Quaker foundation in the nineteenth century. The school is distinctive and original in each of these areas.


Registered charity number: 309144

Company number: 171900

Living Witness supports Quakers in developing their sustainability witness. Their range of resources include regular newsletters, policy briefings and guides for study groups and for personal and collective action. They hold regular national gatherings and summer schools. They can offer advice, talks and facilitate events for Quaker meetings.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1119938

Aims to keep Quakers across London in touch with one another and to give them a voice in addressing the wider world by organising events and maintaining contacts.

Email address:


The aim of the Nontheist Friends Network is to provide a forum and supportive framework for Friends who see religion as a human creation. They explore theological and spiritual diversity and their practical implications in respectful acceptance of different views, experiences and journeys. They share a radical questioning approach to contemporary religion. Events include an annual weekend residential conference at Woodbrooke and other regional and local events. They have contacts with Quakers in the United States, Australia and Europe, as well as non-Quaker networks.

Email address:


Quakers in the North of Britain, supporting Quakers and others in taking actions for peace. With representatives from northern Area Meetings, we organise events and activities. We also produce resources, responding to current issues and the concerns of Friends.

Email address:


Registered charity number: C024632

PWZ is a voluntary fund-raising committee set up with the aim of ensuring that the two peace-building projects established by Friends of Hlekweni (now closed down) have continuing support because of their timely contribution to a cultural shift away from violence that is in evidence in Zimbabwe. Following the introduction of a new constitution in 2013, corporal punishment has now become forbidden in schools. The two projects are run by Alternatives to Violence Project Zimbabwe (AVPZ) and involve:

• Offering courses in conflict resolution, mediation and non-violent communication to individuals and community groups in Zimbabwe including young people, prison staff, NGO personnel, women who are victims of violence, men, and church personnel.

• Offering AVP training to teachers and promoting the growth of Peace Clubs in Zimbabwe schools. This offers teachers invaluable new approaches to school discipline and the building of a peaceful, more participative, culture in schools.


We want a world where people are equipped to deal peacefully and creatively with the inevitable conflicts that arise for all of us.

We work with schools, units, clubs, committees, teams, collectives and groups of people regardless of age or anything else.

We support people within communities to build, strengthen and repair relationships at all levels.

Peacemakers works with schools, units, clubs, committees, teams, collectives and groups of people regardless of age or anything else. Activities include training and support for staff and children in schools on areas including relationship and community peace, peer mediation and restorative practice as part of a whole school approach. Peacemakers is leading on significant work developing he nationwide offer on peace education at Key Stage 2. Peacemakers work closely with BYM's peace education team and many other organisations.


QAAD works within Quaker principles to address the use and misuse of all substances, legal, illegal and prescribed, and gambling. They offer advice and information to individual Quakers and to elders and overseers. QAAD fosters links between Quakers who share their concern through a conference at Woodbrooke and meetings of the QAADNET group. QAAD publishes the quarterly magazine QAADRANT, and provides speakers for meetings on request. They also work responsively with young Quakers to develop sessions for any kind of gathering. Externally, QAAD contributes to government reviews and liaises with other faith groups to advance policies that reduce harm.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1059310

Company number: 3265669

Facilitates networking with Quakers in Africa and between those interested in or involved in Quaker work in Africa. Members share their initiatives and experiences and discuss cross-cutting issues. This enables them to keep abreast of current work in the continent and learn from each other in order to become more effective in their own work.

Email address:


Quaker Arts Network is a group of Quakers with interests in the arts (broadly defined), run on a voluntary basis. All those in sympathy with their aims are welcome to join the network, which has members across the world.

While many of the group are practicing artists, musicians, writers etc., others may have interest in the use of the arts for spiritual expression, nurture, healing, Quaker outreach or simply pleasure.

Facebook: @QuakerArts


The aims of QARN are:

  • to work to change the way refugees and asylum-seekers (whether recognised under the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees or not) are treated, to ensure that justice and compassion are the guiding principles
  • to support each other as Friends acting under concern and keep Friends in our meetings up to date with developments
  • to work to convince British Quakers that a principled critique of current asylum policy should be part of our corporate Quaker witness, in keeping with our testimony to equality
  • to guide Britain Yearly Meeting, now that Meeting for Sufferings has accepted that asylum is a concern, to help them to work effectively for justice and compassion in our asylum and immigration system.

Email address:


The purpose of Quaker Bolivia Link (QBL) is to fund and oversee the implementation of small community­initiated projects. These aim to improve the quality of life of impoverished indigenous people in Bolivia through community empowerment and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods. The current geographical focus is on marginalised rural Aymara communities in the Department of La Paz. Projects are related to the supply of clean water and to food security. These projects are delivered by Fundación Quaker Bolivia Link, a Bolivian charity managed by local Quakers. There is a sister fundraising charity in the United States of America. A formal cooperation agreement establishes the roles and relationship of the 3 parts of QBL.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1055192

Quaker Campers provide opportunities for Quakers from all parts of Britain (and beyond) who enjoy camping to share the fellowship of camping together. Currently this consists of a one week camp each summer.

An active group aiming to add a Quakerly voice to the animal advocacy movement. We also support many animal welfare organisations with donations, both here and abroad. We work with Friends overseas and very much value our ecumenical and interfaith links.

Email address:


The purpose of Quaker Concern Over Population (QCOP) is to:

  1. help Friends in Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) to appreciate the dangers of global over-population.
  2. identify this as an appropriate area of interest for Friends through developing and delivering workshops, a website, literature and other suitable means of spreading our Concern.


Works to relieve poverty and to improve physical and mental health and education amongst the people in the Great Lakes region of Africa. QCP work particularly with those in the area of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Projects include: support to Community Hospital Abeka; access to clean running water; working for peace; providing psychosocial support; microfinance with women.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1159781

The QDA aims to enable discernment and promote understanding within Quakers in Britain on the decriminalisation of the personal use of drugs. As Quakers, they also work with other organisations who desire change in both domestic and international drug policy.

This group aims to make Quakers in Britain an inclusive community. We should all be able to serve and join in equally. Impairments and disabilities should not stop anyone. We see this as part of the Quaker testimony to equality.

Email address:


The society informs Quakers about Esperanto and Esperanto-speakers about Quakerism. They hold meetings and exchange information about Quaker affairs and language equality.

Founded in 1993, the Quaker Family History Society encourages the study of Quaker genealogy, family history, and local history. The group is open to anyone with Quaker ancestry from the British Isles, or with an interest in British Quaker family history. The group holds open meetings to share its research, and publishes its journal, Quaker Connections, three times a year.


The fellowship aims to provide a forum for discussion on issues around the afterlife. These include survival of consciousness and continuing spiritual development beyond physical death, personal spiritual communication, higher worlds and near-death experiences.


QuIET is a charity which manages the premises and undertakings of Brummana High School in Lebanon. It aims to advance the education of children and young people in full time education, in accordance with the principles of Quakerism.


Company number: 78392

Provides grants to people (Quakers attenders or those associated with Quakers) who can't afford the fees to access care at The Retreat York or other psychiatric hospitals in the UK. Also assists in the provision of hospital treatment or home nursing in the home of any Friend, wherever they are living, either for mental or physical illness. Funds projects which advance good mental health and the application and understanding of effective mental health practice.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1115135

The Quaker Music Network was formed when The Leaveners was laid down. They intend to keep the tradition of Choral and Chamber Music weekends alive. These have been held for more than 30 years and enable both instrumentalists and singers to make music together in a Quaker atmosphere. In the future, it may be possible for QMN to become an umbrella for other Quaker music-making projects.

Quaker Peace Studies Trust works towards a truly peaceful world in accordance with our Quaker peace testimony. They support the study of peace and conflict resolution at the University of Bradford.


Registered charity number: 529095

Quaker Rainbow (previously the Quaker Gender and Sexual Diversity Community) brings together people of diverse sexual and/or gender identities within Quakers in Britain. It aims to provide a voice and a meeting space for the LGBT+ and queer community. This includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, intersex, transgender and gender non-binary Quakers, and Quakers interested in sexuality, gender identity and equality. They welcome others seeking an inclusive spiritual community.


Quaker Roots (previously “Roots of Resistance") is a community of Friends building a creative, vibrant and radical Quaker response to the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair.

We are preparing to begin mobilising to take action again in 2023 – to stay up to date, sign up for email updates here.


Maintains the memorial within the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas in Staffordshire. The memorial commemorates the wartime service of members of the Friends Ambulance Unit and Friends Relief Service. The group also educate the public about the work of Friends. They focus on conflict resolution, reconciliation and peace-building in the aftermath of war.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1142335

Quaker Social Action is an independent charity founded 150 years ago as the Bedford Institute Association, changing its name to Quaker Social Action (QSA) in 1998. It enables people in low incomes in East London and across the UK to seek solutions to the issues affecting their lives. To do this, it listens and responds to the needs of the community by running practical, sustainable and collaborative projects. QSA shares its work with others when it is clear that it has the potential to bring benefits to their communities.


Registered charity number: 1069157

Company number: 3524063

The Quaker Socialist Society provides fellowship and forums for Quakers who believe that political affairs are an essential part of Quaker life. QSS works for social justice and a fair, safe and peaceful world. They develop understandings and practice of ethical socialism. They maintain a witness within the socialist movement and make the insights of socialism available for Friends. They work with others for a corporate Social Testimony. QSS also organises the annual Salter Lecture.


We are a network of Quakers, with personal or professional links to people or projects in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan and neighbouring states. We are also interested in working with and learning from people from these countries who now reside in the UK. We meet annually in London, Leeds or Birmingham and have a newsletter at least once a year. If you would like to join the group please get in touch.


Exhibition facilities include 77 tapestry panels, personal audio guides and films, interactive displays, children's activities, events, workshops, gift shop, garden, toilets and step-free access to the Exhibition.

Opening hours see the website or phone for up-to-date information and admission charges.


Registered charity number: 1035077

Company number: 2901085

The Quaker Truth and Integrity Group (QTIG) aims to promote the place of truth and integrity in the public discourse; to discern what role Quakers might have to play in this, either independently or working with other groups/bodies; and to draw the attention of Friends and others to the depth of the problems we face and ways in which they can be countered, for example through interviews with well-informed individuals.


QUG understand that spiritual awareness is accessible to everyone of any religion or none. No one faith can claim to have a final revelation or monopoly of truth. We acknowledge that such awareness may be expressed in many different ways. We delight in this diversity and warmly welcome both Quakers and non-Quakers to join us.We have a website, a journal for members called Universalist, books, pamphlets (many of which are now online), an annual conference, a newsletter and communication via Facebook.


QVinE believes that the spirit of God is at work in every human being and this belief holds true for our work in education. Our thinking and action are directed to promoting integrity, peace, simplicity and equality. We promote these values, through publications, conferences and networking.

Email address:



  • To provide a network through which Friends can safely explore issues in mental health, guided by Quaker testimonies to equality and truth and informed by the legacy of William Tuke (founder of The Retreat, York);
  • To create opportunities for Friends to meet together in person or virtually in a spirit of worship, to uphold one another in their different capacities and for discernment on matters associated with mental health.
  • To explore the relationships between spirituality, creativity and mental health wellbeing;
  • To promote awareness and understanding of mental health issues across Britain Yearly Meeting, thus informing pastoral care in Local, Area and Yearly Meeting levels;
  • To act as a Quaker Voice on aspects of mental health and wellbeing policies and practices in Britain today.


QVA enables participation in spirit-led volunteering. Their working retreats make a practical and social difference. QVA projects build community and work for a more just and peaceful world.


Quaker Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse provides mutual support in a safe and understanding environment. The group seeks to increase awareness among Friends of the realities of sexual abuse and its effects on survivors; to suggest appropriate ways for Friends to engage with the issues of sexual abuse; and to build support networks in local meetings to help reduce the sexual abuse of children within the society and beyond.

Email address:

Promoting Quaker values in business and the workplace. They are a voice and network for those whose experience is that integrity in business and the workplace matters. Members are active in, or retired from, business of all types including for-profit, non-profit and anywhere in-between.


To advance awareness amongst Quakers, and others, of Criminal Justice issues. To enable Quakers, and others, to make an informed contribution to the debate on Justice matters, and to share their interests and concerns.


Quakers have a long tradition of being active in, and seeking to make a difference to, the world in which we find ourselves. In our actions we seek to put Quaker testimonies such as equality, peace and integrity into practice, as best we can.

The Quakers in the World website aims to bring together the many different ways in which Quakers have done this, all over the world.

Email address:


QUIP is an international network of Quaker booksellers, authors and publishers concerned with the ministry of the written word. They organise annual conferences which are held in the UK and USA. They also subsidise translations and publications of Quaker works through their charitable arm, The Tacey Sowle Fund.


An initiative run by a small group of Friends, and others, to provide free online information for all and run workshops to help individuals and Quaker meetings to better understand and handle conflict.

Email address:


RJ Working is a charity (number 1197378) based in Cornwall, which promotes and delivers Restorative Processes. It works to equip children and young people with the language, principles and confidence to lead Restorative Practice development in their school communities.


Rookhow is a place for learning, spiritual retreat, and refreshment, open to all, especially disadvantaged members of society. It aims to provide stewardship and protection for the local natural environment including Quakers' Wood. Rookhow is a place of worship of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Email address:


Sibford School educates children and young people aged 4-18. It operates under the principles of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain. The School encourages each child to fulfill their potential and contribute to the wider community. The talents of all pupils are nurtured. The School has been particularly successful in helping students with dyslexia.


Registered charity number: 1068256

Sidcot School aims to be a pioneer and a world-class centre of excellence for inspirational education for children aged 3-18. This is as much about nurturing the spirit as it is about outstanding academic success. This is informed by the Quaker testimonies, which act as a touchstone and challenge to the whole school community, those with faith and those without. All are equally welcomed.


Registered charity number: 296491

Company number: 2093340

Providing audio recordings of The Friend and other Quaker journals and books for people with visual impairment, or others with disabilities that prevent reading.


Registered charity number: 299656

The Trust aims to support individual Friends in need engaged in witnessing to Christian and Quaker testimonies. This is usually in the form of help with travel and other costs to Friends in the course of their ministry, rather than education or training costs.

Registered charity number: 229959

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust is a Quaker trust that supports people addressing the root causes of conflict and injustice. The trust provides grants to charities and other not-for-profit organisations in the UK and Europe.

Email address:


The Kindlers are an experimental group focused on Quaker spirituality. They work to rekindle the power of Quaker worship by renewing and deepening Quaker spiritual practices. They do this by holding workshops to deepen the spiritual life of Quaker meetings and publishing associated material.

Email address:


The Mount School is an independent Quaker School that educates girls from 2 to 18 and boys aged 2 to 4 in the Pre-School. It is a day and boarding school of approximately 230 pupils aged 2 to 18.


Registered charity number: 513646

Company number: 1686186

A non-profit members club with a strong Quaker ethos, operating under the aegis of The Royal Foundation of St Katherine's in Limehouse. It is open to all and provides accommodation and social activities.

Email address:


A not-for-profit provider of specialist mental health services. The Retreat works closely with the NHS to provide services for people with complex and challenging needs in an open, calming environment designed to enable recovery and independence.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 1089826

William Penn School provides a high quality and nurturing start to the education of pupils in a village setting in Coolham, West Sussex. The school values are honesty, integrity, equality, peace, reflection and friendship. William Penn is the only primary school in Britain with a Quaker foundation. Whilst pupils don't need to be Quakers to attend, William Penn's value-led ethos is a keystone of their approach to learning.

At William Penn, students and staff respect each other and value the rights and responsibilities of each individual. They strive for high standards and challenge themselves to further their learning and understanding throughout the journey of life.


A learning organisation which supports and informs Quakers to enable their work in the world from a place of understanding and spiritual renewal.

Woodbrooke offers a range of opportunities for individuals and meetings, for a variety of programmes. These include the use of Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, other venues and locations and online learning. They aim for their programmes of learning to be as accessible as they can make them.

Email address:


Registered charity number: 313816