Quaker communities news
This page contains news about running local and area meetings and other Quaker communities.
Quakers in the South East of England think about sustainable models of governance
5 December 2023
In October, twenty-two Area Meeting Clerks and Trustees from six area meetings met together in Brighton Meeting House and on Zoom to consider sustainable models of governance.
Travelling in the ministry today
27 November 2023
Travelling to visit and worship with Friends in other Quaker meetings can be one form of ministry. A year ago, Matt felt led to travel in the ministry among Friends, having read about earlier Quakers who travelled between meetings, carrying a message of hope and light.
Governance Update for trustees and treasurers now available
27 November 2023
Quaker Life produces a regular newsletter for trustees and treasurers as part of its support package for role-holders.
CYP trainers meet in Leeds
23 November 2023
Recently a group of a dozen Friends, from across the country, who form the Children and Young People's (CYP) Training Team, met at Leeds Central Meeting House for a weekend working together. The CYP training team are experienced facilitators and well-practiced in work with under 18s. The team met together to review their service over the past year, and to consider what's next.
Lasting memories of Spiceland summer settlement
17 November 2023
Over the last weekend of August, more than 100 Quakers gathered together at Spiceland Meeting House in Devon for Spiceland Summer Settlement; to build and live in a temporary Quaker community.
Friendship and enjoyment - how young adult Friends in Oxford sustain community
10 November 2023
Young adult Friends in Oxford organised an enjoyable day of sharing spiritual journeys, lunch, dancing and more for their Bioregional Meeting in October. More than 70 people of all ages from the Area Meetings of Chilterns, Mid-Thames, Banbury & Evesham and Oxford & Swindon joined together.
Making lanterns in Bath
26 October 2023
This October half term, eight young people gathered together for an afternoon of games, craft and stillness in Bath, as part of the west region's Quaker youth offering. From piles of willow, paper and glue, beautiful lanterns were made. From honest questions insightful discussions grew – particularly about how (and when!) to explain Quakers beliefs.