Children & young people's work advocates speak up for the need to include children and young people in the life of local and area meetings.

Children & young people's work advocates help local and area meetings to develop and support their work with children and young people. Some of the things that they might do are:

  • support local and area meetings to be inclusive of children and young people
  • promote activities and events within their area meeting and encourage families to come together regularly
  • make links with nearby area meetings and help to maintain networks once they have been created
  • raise awareness of activities and events that take place nationally and encourage children, young people and their families to become involved.

Guidance for Advocates for Children & Young People's Work and area meetings

The revised guidance for advocates is for people new to the role and also for area meetings. It has been created to offer support and advice for nominations committees, the role holder and to help area meetings to support role holders, as it is important their work doesn't happen in isolation, but is integrated into the whole life of the community.

Connecting with other advocates

Three times a year, Quaker Life and Woodbrooke jointly host a network event for Advocates for Children and Young People's Work. It is a chance for advocates to become more familiar with their role and create links with other advocates. The next online network meeting is Thursday 6 March 2025, 7:30 to 9pm. To book, please fill out this form.

Contact us

Youth, Children and Families Administrator
020 7663 1013