Leaflets for newcomers, enquirers and Quaker communities.

Free resources that can be downloaded or ordered from outreach@quaker.org.uk.


    For newcomers and enquirers

    Introductory leaflets

    Leaflets most helpful for those new to meeting. These can be ordered or some can also be downloaded below and printed.

    Simple. Radical. Spriritual. (PDF - for digital use)

    Quaker faith (PDF)

    Quaker worship (PDF)

    Quaker community (PDF)

    Quaker living (PDF)

    Advices & queries (offsite link)

    Getting ready for Quaker worship (PDF)

    The Quaker way (PDF)

    Quaker view on (order only)

    4 new leaflets: Community, Living, Worship and Faith
    These leaflets are also available as videos at www.quaker.org.uk/journeys

    Concertina leaflets

    Attractive introductions to four contrasting areas of Quaker activity: Quakers (available in Welsh and English), worship, children and young people, and Quaker Peace & Social Witness.

    I am a Quaker... this is why...

    This young people's outreach leaflet offers a brief history of Quakerism and thoughts from young Quakers on their faith, explores Quaker testimonies and gives examples of how beliefs might lead to action.

    Who are the Quakers

    An information pack request card for enquirers, new attenders and those interested in finding out more about Quakers. Information packs can also be ordered online.

    Local meetings can request six ready-prepared packs to give away to newcomers.

    Gold cards

    These cards give six answers to the question 'What do Quakers say?' as well as providing details of how to obtain a free information pack. Also available in Welsh.

    No longer in print

    These leaflets are no longer available to order but can be downloaded and printed locally.

    Welcoming families: Quaker Week 2022 resources

    The theme for 2022 was 'Welcoming Families'.

    Quaker Week ideas pack (PDF) In Welsh: Pecyn Syniadau Wythnos y Crynwyr (PDF).

    Videos of informal conversations exploring some key outreach topics, with a particular focus on engaging families:


    We produce outreach posters on paper size B2 for large noticeboards. Copies can be requested from the Quaker Centre at outreach@quaker.org.uk or 020 7663 1030, subject to availability. Alternatively they can be downloaded from the links below for printing onto A3 or A4 paper.

    Quaker Week poster set for 2023/24

    Quaker Week poster set for 2022

    Quaker Week poster set for 2019

    Other Quaker Week posters

    Other posters

    Out of print

    The following are currently only available in PDF format.

    Northern Friends Peace Board also have a stock of historic peace posters (offsite link).

    For planning outreach

    There are four manuals, two available to order from the Quaker Centre Bookshop and all four for download.

    A day with Friends

    This resource is for Quaker meetings interested in running events for enquirers and new attenders. It offers a simple framework for what the day might include, ideas for sessions and guidance on how to use the space you have.

    A day with Friends [PDF] will help meetings run open and creative enquirers' events where everyone can share their stories and insights and explore the riches of the Quaker way together.

    The resource is packed with ideas and inspiration and is available (free while stocks last) from the Quaker Centre Bookshop, quakercentre@quaker.org.uk, 020 7663 1030.

    Sharing our meetings' stories

    Sharing meeting stories is a piece of work that Quaker Life carried out in 2013. Quaker Life Network members were asked to visit meetings and have conversations with Friends to help understand the story of the meeting.

    The findings of the project have been published as the Sharing meeting stories [PDF] booklet and form part of what led to the Being Friends Together project in partnership with Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre (offsite link).

    Outreach Handbook (out of print)

    A collection of ideas, stories, insights and experience of things that have worked for Friends and meetings as they have sought ways to do outreach and also become outreaching communities. The Outreach handbook [PDF] is available to download.

    New expressions of Quaker community (out of print)

    For meetings interested in being a more creative community; who are open to exploring new ways of being a Quaker community [PDF]; and who are seeking radical or fresh ways of engaging with local communities outside their meeting house door.

    Only available for download.

    Guide to setting up a Facebook page for outreach

    For the Quaker community

    Children's outreach materials

    Quaker meeting and me

    A guide for children to Quaker meeting for worship.

    This booklet is intended to help children find a way into Quaker meeting for worship. Images from a garden are to illustrate different aspects of what is happening in meeting for worship.

    It can be used as a starting point for conversation between children and adults, and also as a focus to help children settle and centre during meeting for worship.

    Lets explore the Quaker Way

    A guide for children about Quaker testimonies.

    Both booklets available from the Quaker Centre Bookshop, quakercentre@quaker.org.uk, 020 7663 1030.

    Weddings and funerals


    Badges are low key way of being open about your faith, starting a conversation or to identify Quakers at outreach events.

    Quakers for Peace badges are currently out of stock and 'I'm a Quaker – ask me why' pin badges and plain magnetic Q badges are no longer available.

    Study guides

    Becoming Friends

    Becoming Friends: Living and learning with Quakers is an innovative learning project from Woodbrooke and Quaker Life which aims to nurture and support those who are new to Friends. It helps newcomers develop an understanding of Quakerism, while exploring their own journey. It uses flexible learning materials, on-line discussion groups and support from a network of 'companions' in local meetings.

    The Becoming Friends course is now available online and in paper format. You can find out more online by visiting Becoming Friends on the Woodbrooke website.

    Meetings can get ready to support newcomers by using the Becoming Friends materials. You might also enquire about sending Friends on a Becoming Friends companion course.

    Being Quaker, doing Quaker

    A5 study guide for living out our Quaker faith, download 'Being Quaker, doing Quaker' [PDF]

    Guide to slavery and Quaker Meetings

    Library of the Society of Friends have put together a research guide for Meetings to explore their links to slavery and think about what this means today. The guide was inspired by the research done by Ann Morgan at Lancaster Meeting.

    Research guide - Slavery and the meeting

    What do you do in meeting for worship?

    A5 study guide for sharing our experience of worship, download 'What do you do in meeting for worship?' [PDF]

    Quaker business

    Information leaflets to support Quakers in using Quaker Business Methods. Available to download or can be ordered from quakercentre@quaker.org.uk or requested by phone 020 7663 1030.

    Virtual presence

    If your meeting would like help improving it's presence on Facebook we can help you! We'll support meetings in setting up Facebook pages, improving existing pages and increasing reach. The best way to get started is to join the Quaker Life Network Social Media Cluster facebook.com/groups/QLNSocialMediaCluster. If you are interested in this work please email outreach@quaker.org.uk.

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