QLCC 30 January 2025
Quaker Life Central Committee (QLCC) met to discuss which Quaker groups should grant membership, the Quaker marriage declaration and plans to review our strategy for supporting Quaker communities.
What is this committee responsible for?
QLCC guides all Quaker work to support Quaker communities to grow, thrive and be inclusive.
What did it do at this meeting?
Lots of jobs for nominations! Following tasks given to it by Meeting for Sufferings, the committee established working groups to take forward work on revising the Quaker marriage declaration and on considering in detail which groups should be able to grant membership of the Society. They were told about the upcoming revision process for the Integrated Strategy for Supporting Quaker Communities, which guides our Local and Youth Development work to help Quakers to thrive. QLCC also heard about plans for Quaker Life Rep Council to hold 5-6 one-day regional events this year instead of the historic model of two weekend-long gatherings, and had a long session hearing from Mandy Cooper, Woodbrooke CEO, about her vision for Quaker learning and research.
How can I find out more?
Quaker Life Representative Council