QCCIR 7-9 February 2025
The Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations met to discern its work for the year.
What is this committee responsible for?
QCCIR helps Quakers in Britain in their work with other religious faiths, churches, and spiritual and human values groups. It does this by reflecting deeply on Quaker insights and values. It writes publications to explain Quaker faith and decisions in theological terms. It helps Friends enter imaginatively into the life and witness of other faith groups, for example by holding webinars. It aims to create bonds of friendship and mutual understanding.
What did it do at this meeting?
Eleven appointed Friends serve on the core committee which is supported by one part-time staff member. The committee has several working groups and subgroups which reported to the committee. Time was spent on the deep discernment of a particular concern brought to the committee in confidence. This work is continuing.
The Yearly Meeting theme of 'Peace' is of much interest and relevance to guests from other churches and faiths. QCCIR has invited nine guests and looks forward to welcoming most of them over the course of the Yearly Meeting weekend. There will be opportunities for Friends to meet them at the lunchtimes on Saturday and Sunday of Yearly Meeting. The committee has organised two online Special Interest Meetings, as part of Yearly Meeting preparation, for Friends to hear from speakers from other churches. John Cooper, Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation will speak on Monday, 28 April at 7pm. John's title is The Fierce Urgency of Faith Shaped Peace. He will reflect upon why, at this time of crisis in the climate and increasing conflict, a faith shaped vision of peace is so vital. At the second, on Saturday, 3 May at 2pm, Peter Colwell will speak about the implications for inter-faith relations of the 2025 celebrations marking the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Council and Creed. Peter is Deputy General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and supports the Churches Forum for Inter Religious Relations, on which Friends are represented.
The anniversary of the Council of Nicaea this year is very important for Churches all over the world. The QCCIR inter-church working group is planning a webinar, or maybe a series of webinars, together with Woodbrooke on this theme later in the year.
The interfaith working group also plans to hold a webinar for Friends.
The committee also heard from its conference planning group and agreed the title,'Hope for the future in dark and difficult times - Working with other churches and faiths'. The conference is held every two years and is organised jointly with Woodbrooke. Area Meetings are invited to appoint representatives to attend. The planning group aim to have a flyer ready in time for Yearly Meeting, with the conference itself in Spring 2026.
The staff member reported to the committee, on their own work and that across the organisation by many members of staff whose roles include collaboration with other churches and faiths, in everything from joint action on climate justice to engaging with children and young people. Quakers in Britian are part of many aspects of joint working and the committee likes to know about these, even if just that they exist.
How can I find out more?
Please read our dedicated webpage. This includes links to:
upcoming events
resources to help Friends in their relationships with other churches and other faiths
recent articles and to a recording of last year's webinar.
You can also sign up for the email group. This rather long webpage is soon to be split into two – one about the committee and one to be in the 'action' section of the website, to help Friends get involved.