MfS 7 December 2024

Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) considered: threats to non-violent protest; AM minutes; a report from the Book of Discipline Revision Committee; Terms of Reference for new Agenda Committee; a recommendation to Yearly Meeting about appointments; and received reports from Quaker Council for European Affairs and Quaker World Relations Committee.

What is this committee responsible for?

Meeting for Sufferings is the standing representative body for Quakers in Britain, and includes representatives from Area and General Meetings, and central and standing committees. Currently, it meets four times a year. A fuller description of its role can be found at Paragraph 7.02 of Quaker faith & practice.

What did it do at this meeting?

Threat to non-violent protest: Meeting for Sufferings received minutes this Autumn from Leeds, Southern Marches and York area meetings over the use of new policing powers restricting those wishing to make non-violent protest. Their minutes record the circumstances of two cases on the treatment of Friends and others engaging in their faith-led witness. We shared the concerns raised in these minutes and asked to consider the impact of new policing powers on the right to protest at a future meeting.

Book of Discipline Revision: Meeting for Sufferings received its annual report from the Book of Discipline Revision Committee, which is the group tasked with drafting an updated version of Quaker faith & practice. The committee expects to bring a first draft to Yearly Meeting in 2027, and Friends are encouraged to engage with its work in a variety of ways, listed here.

Terms of Reference for new Agenda Committee: Meeting for Sufferings received and approved initial terms of reference for the new agenda committee which will plan and implement the transition to a continuing Yearly Meeting. This means that Central nominations Committee can begin work to approach Friends for service on this committee.

Service of attenders in Local and Area meeting roles: Meeting for Sufferings recommended to Yearly Meeting that amendments should be made to permit Friends not in formal membership to be appointed to area and local meeting roles, subject to further legal advice, where appropriate. This recommendation now goes forward to Yearly Meeting for further discernment, so Area and Local Meetings are advised not to make any changes to their nomination processes at this point.

Finally, Meeting for Sufferings received reports from Quaker Council for European Affairs, and Quaker World Relations Committee. The work of both committees reminds us that we are part of an international community with whom we seek to act in solidarity and fellowship.

What happens next?

Much of this business will progress to further discernment at a future Yearly Meeting, while other items will be returned to for further discernment by Meeting for Sufferings.

Find out about Meeting for Sufferings, read its papers and minutes.