This page offers an introduction for Friends serving or about to serve on Meeting for Sufferings.

The latest Meeting for Sufferings Handbook 2024 to 2026 (PDF) contains information to help representatives and alternates.

Arrangements for meetings

The dates of forthcoming meetings are available on the Working with Meeting for Sufferings page.

Papers are sent out around two weeks before each meeting. You will also receive information about registering to attend.

Please contact Graham Spackman if you have any questions about the practicalities.

Before the meeting

When you return to your own meetings

We hope you will have had an inspiring and enriching experience during Meeting for Sufferings. Please share what you have heard with your local and area meetings.

Who's who


The clerk of Meeting for Sufferings is Clerk Robert Card of Dorset & South Wiltshire AM. The assistant clerk is Elizabeth Allen of South East Scotland AM. They are assisted by the Deputy Recording Clerk.

The Arrangements Group

The Arrangements Group facilitates the work of Meeting for Sufferings. It advises the Clerks on the agenda and keeps the conduct of the Meeting under review. It also monitors the implementation of actions and advises on the timing of any formal consultations.

The Support Group

The Support Group provides eldership during Meeting for Sufferings, and oversees some of the practical arrangements.

The members of the Support Group are:

  • Dorothy Ball, Cambridgeshire AM
  • Sarah Eilbeck, Gloucestershire AM
  • Emma Norminton, Sheffield & Balby AM

Please contact Graham Spackman if you would like their contact details.

Contact us

Communication and Services Administrator
020 7663 1021