The Quaker Committee for Christian and Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) helps Quakers in Britain in their work with other religious faiths, spiritual and human values groups in pursuit of common goals. It does this by reflecting on Quaker insights and values, and by helping Friends enter imaginatively into the life and witness of other faith groups to create bonds of friendship and mutual understanding.

The committee considers issues and opportunities which may arise from Britain Yearly Meeting's involvement in ecumenical or interfaith work. It also works together with individuals, meetings, other churches and faith groups on ecumenical and interfaith issues.

QCCIR explained


    A Spirit-led Church

    Quakers respond to a World Council of Churches text on the nature of the church


    For this is the true ground of love and unity, not that such a man walks and does just as I do, but because I feel the same Spirit and life in him...

    - Quaker faith & practice 27.13


    About QCCIR

    QCCIR reports to Meeting for Sufferings. It meets three times a year and has 11 members appointed by Meeting for Sufferings, including members nominated by General Meeting for Scotland, Crynwyr Cymru/Quakers in Wales and Ireland Yearly Meeting. It also has ex-officio members from Friends World Committee for Consultation. QCCIR has three working groups under new Terms of Reference to which Friends may be co-opted.

    QCCIR undertakes the following, it:

    Find out more and get involved with Quaker work with other faith groups on our Ecumenical and interfaith relations page.

    Header image: Faith and beliefs at COP26. Photo: Michael Preston 2021

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    Taking my seat again: four years being Churches Together in England's 'Empty Chair' President

    7 September 2023 by Hannah Brock Womack

    Having come to the end of her four-year term as Fourth President, Hannah Brock Womack shares her experience of being rejected from taking up the role for being married to woman.

    Contact us

    Ecumenical & Interfaith Officer
    020 7663 1072