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Junior Yearly Meeting 2025
Wellingborough, 23 - 26 May 2025
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9 December 2015
While world leaders are at the Paris climate summit, known as COP21, Quakers are putting huge efforts into raising awareness about their concerns for the planet and reverence for life. A new Quakernomics blog offers a taste of their activities.
2 December 2015
Quakers in Britain opposed the vote in the House of Commons tonight to extend air strikes to ISIS targets in Syria.
The vote was 397 for and 223 votes against taking action in Syria.
30 November 2015
This week Parliament prepares to vote on military action in Syria. Quakers in Britain oppose this, consistent with our belief that killing is wrong.
27 November 2015
Quakers want justice for those affected by climate change. The poorest are often the hardest hit by shifts in the climate. Globally they have less access to energy.
Led by their belief in equality, Quakers in Britain campaign for everyone to have access to affordable energy that does not harm the planet.
This weekend, ahead of the Paris climate summit, Quakers will join thousands across the world on the People's March for Climate, Justice and Jobs, They will call for climate justice.
24 November 2015
As Parliament prepares to debate next steps in Syria, Quakers in Britain have made this statement.
17 November 2015
4 November 2015
Benefit cuts to change behaviour are unpopular, ineffective and immoral, say Churches. Quakers in Britain, along with Church Action on Poverty, the Church of Scotland, the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the United Reformed Church are warning that the Welfare Reform and Work Bill marks a dangerous shift away from a core principle of the welfare state and will make poor people even poorer.
Online, 20 February - 27 March 2025
Online, 27 February - 10 April 2025
Online, 5 March 2025
Northampton, 7 - 9 March 2025