Quakers call on UK to pay fair share of climate finance

As leaders of the world's richest countries meet at a G7 meeting in Italy, Quakers are urging them deliver new, adequate climate finance to developing countries.

people with banner in Whitehall
As leaders of the world's richest countries meet at a G7 meeting in Italy, Quakers urge them deliver new, adequate climate finance to developing countries

In an open letter, Quakers in Britain and other members of the Climate Justice Coalition joined War on Want in reminding the G7 that their emissions are most responsible for climate change.

Signatories refused to accept that Global North countries do not have adequate public funds to deliver their climate finance obligations.

“In 2022, G7 countries spent over $1 trillion funding war and conflict," they wrote. “From 2020 to 2021 alone, G7 countries committed a total of USD 316 billion to public subsidies for fossil fuels.


That which hurts the poorest people on the planet diminishes us all

- Paul Parker


“It is well within the power of Global North governments to redirect these funds for development and climate finance and raise more by taxing their elites and corporations – many of whom are top global profiteers and polluters – to raise funds for climate finance."

This letter is part of ongoing Quaker work for fair climate finance. For the Global Day of Action for climate finance on 11 June, Quakers also took part in a Whitehall protest, demanding the UK pays its fair share towards climate finance.

And, marking the start of Great Big Green Week (GBGW), Quakers in Britain hosted an interfaith picnic at St Johns Church in Waterloo with Faith for the Climate and Islamic Relief UK.

At the picnic on Sunday 9 June, visitors took part in swaps to create a better tomorrow, while organisers urged the government to swap empty promises for real action.

That real action would include making polluters pay for climate-induced loss and damage and funding a just transition to a sustainable economy, they said.

Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, Paul Parker, said: “Quakers recognise the equality of all people in the eyes of God.

“That which hurts the poorest people on the planet diminishes us all. This is why we work for climate justice."

Campaigners say sums substantially over £100 billion are needed to pay for the climate crisis. It is essential that the UK and other G7 governments take stock of this figure and take immediate action, they say.