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MAR 12

Quaker Eco Church Network: Support for Sustainable Meetings

12 March 2025, Online

Are you motivated but unsure where to start? Our growing Quaker Ecochurch Network is adapting A Rocha's Ecochurch guidance for a Quaker context, supporting meetings to achieve accreditation and act on our commitment to sustainability.

Join this introductory session to learn more and begin making contacts and connections to support your meeting in its journey towards living our commitment to act on sustainability as a faith community inspired by the Canterbury Commitment (minute 36 of Britain Yearly Meeting 2011). This called on Quakers to act in new ways – individually, as local communities, as a corporate body of faith, and politically.

It's often difficult to know where to start when faced with such monumental and complex issues. Doing something practical can help shift us into action and instil a sense of purpose. This is not to be underestimated in these challenging times.

These practical steps are within our power to achieve within our local and area meetings. There are Quaker meetings who have already achieved the Ecochurch gold award. The patterns they offer are shaping our collective way forward.

Kim Harrison and Gordon Benson convene the Quaker Eco Church Network and will introduce it and the accreditation. Then we will be joined by a member of the network, Jan Sellers from Wanstead Meeting, who will speak about their journey to achieving a Silver award.

Eco Church is a non-denominational award scheme to help Churches move to a sustainable future. It has five areas of action:

1. Worship and Teaching,

2. Buildings,

3. Land,

4. Community,

5. Global and Lifestyle

The Quaker concern for the Earth and the wellbeing of all who live in it is deeply rooted in our faith. Early Quakers knew that to damage the earth just for human 'outward greatness' would be an injustice on future generations.

More information

For more information contact:


Telephone: 0121 7282360

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Date & time

Start: 19:00 on 12 March 2025

Finish: 20:30 on 12 March 2025


United Kingdom

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