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AUG 10

George Fox: Nontheist Quaker Perspectives

10 August 2024, Online

This single live session is part of a series celebrating the 400th birthday of George Fox, in which key speakers assess Fox's legacy from a variety of positions. In this session we will hear the perspectives of nontheist Friends.

A drawing of George Fox

David Boulton and Tim Regan of the Nontheist Friends Network will explore what George Fox means to modern Liberal Quakers who are humanists, or who adopt a non-realist understanding of God, and regard religion as a human creation.

David Boulton has written widely on Quaker history and nontheism. Tim Regan is Clerk of the Nontheist Friends Network.

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Telephone: 0121 7282360

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Date & time

Start: 16:00 on 10 August 2024

Finish: 17:30 on 10 August 2024


United Kingdom

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