Planning in progress for new Quaker Camp starting in Yorkshire next year

Plans are now shaping up for the Yorkshire Quaker Camp, a new all-age affordable and fun residential Quaker event for the whole of Yorkshire which will take place in August 2025.

people sitting on a the grass, others holding up a ribbon arch and blue sky in background
Hoping the Yorkshire camp will have a friendly festival feel and space for all ages, Photo credit: Fell Edge Farm

Quakers in other parts of Britain have found camps to be a wonderful opportunity for all-age relationship, learning and spirituality. Yorkshire's Local and Youth Development Workers have seeded this idea there. They are now working with a group of local Friends to discern priorities for the camp, and have a planning weekend in July.

The aim is to make the Yorkshire Camp as accessible as possible, with a range of accommodation options, including very low cost camping options in a scenic location. With this focus, group members have researched potential sites across Yorkshire, and visited the most promising possibilities.

The group's discernment has now selected Fell Edge Farm, near Ilkley. The farm has a barn with a sprung dance floor, composting toilets, a tipi and straw bale house, and plenty of space for camping as well as B&B accommodation close by. The first long weekend camp will take place in early August 2025, and it is hoped to become an annual event.

The Local Development Worker for Yorkshire, Craig Barnett, said: "As soon as we started to share this idea with Friends, there was so much enthusiasm to get involved. A group came together really quickly to discern a vision for an unmissable annual event. We're looking forward to welcoming Friends of all ages to Fell Edge Farm starting next summer."

The planning group is still open to new members, especially young adults and families. For more information please contact:

Yorkshire Local Development Worker