Applications open for new children and youth development worker in London

Quakers in Britain are looking for a development worker to work with London Quakers and to initiate, facilitate and deliver a range of opportunities for children, young people and families in Greater London.

young people sitting on chairs chatting animatedly
Young people gather at a Quaker event

We are looking for someone who can get alongside children and young people to build community and who can work will all age groups and support Quakers to grow vibrant all age communities. This work builds on the regional children's and youth development work already going on in other areas, including Yorkshire, the West and Thames Valley.

Part of the role is networking and building community. One Area Meeting clerk in another region reflects that thanks to the youthworker, "our young people now feel more connected across the wider area - as do the adults who support them." Another part is getting alongside children and young people on their spiritual growth and creating opportunities for them to share these journeys with their peers. One young person noted that "The things that you (the youthworker) have arranged, the events and games that you have planned be it online or in person have brought me so much happiness in my life."

We are grateful for a legacy donation from David Crick via Harrow Meeting, which makes this work possible.

Do you know someone who could be interested in this role?

Please share widely in your networks.

Closing dates for applications are 9am on Monday 30 October 2023.

Job Pack