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Junior Yearly Meeting 2025
Wellingborough, 23 - 26 May 2025
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10 September 2019
As one of the world's largest arms fairs opens in London, Quakers in Britain are among faith communities urging the UK government to stop selling weapons of war. In an Open Letter published today in The Guardian they call on the government to put ethics at the heart of foreign policy and trading relations.
4 September 2019
Many hundreds of Quakers were among people of faith who for nine hours brought to a halt the set-up in London of one of the world's largest arms fairs.
30 August 2019
This week the global arms trade comes to London. At DSEI, arms companies sell weapons of death and destruction, repression and injustice, to military delegations. Thousands of protestors, including hundreds of Quakers, will be there, to stop the arms fair.
30 August 2019
Quakers in Britain are challenging government plans which could emphasise punishments in Britain's classrooms. Instead, Quakers urge a restorative approach, saying that head teachers cannot simply force peace on schools; they need to equip children and young people to be peacemakers.
29 August 2019
Quakers in Britain have joined a host of civil society leaders, warning that proroguing parliament risks eroding democratic accountability. They have signed up to a joint statement led by ACEVO, the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations.
5 August 2019
Two atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 killed and maimed many thousands of people. This week the overwhelming devastation is being commemorated with vigils, prayers, peace walks and a determination to work for peace. Quakers around Britain will be among many remembering the lives lost.
31 July 2019
This week marks 10 years since Quakers in Britain decided to campaign for same-sex marriage so that marriages of all committed Quaker couples be prepared, celebrated, witnessed, recorded and reported to the state.
Online, 20 February - 27 March 2025
Online, 27 February - 10 April 2025
Northampton, 7 - 9 March 2025
Ulverston, 9 - 14 March 2025