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St Austell Quaker Meeting

Meeting details

Meeting size


When we meet

Sunday at 10:30am

Room available for rent weekdays. Contact Dorothy Nelson on 01726 70296.

Children and young people

Children's meeting monthly. Young people's meeting available as needed.

Contact details

Phone number:

01208 895 259



  • Wheelchair access
  • Wheelchair accessible toilet
  • Parking
  • Hearing loop

Accessibility notes

Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet and car-parking space. Hearing loop.

Building retains original features, such as the central flagstone corridor with sliding sash screens.



Friends Meeting House
High Cross Street
St. Austell
PL25 4AN

View directions to here on Google Maps

How to find us

High Cross Street is one way from the Parish Church in the direction of, and just before, the railway/bus station.