Skipton Quaker Meeting
Meeting details
Meeting size
When we meet
Sunday at 10:30am
3rd Sunday of each month there is a shared lunch at noon after meeting for worship.
Children and young people
Children's meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month. First 10-15 minutes with main meeting for worship then move to the New Room. Please contact for details.
Contact details
Phone number:
01756 793 623
- Wheelchair access
- Wheelchair accessible toilet
- Hearing loop
Accessibility notes
Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet and one car-parking space - please contact in advance to ensure it is free. Hearing loop.
Friends Meeting House
The Ginnel Mews
Newmarket Street
BD23 2JA
View directions to here on Google Maps
How to find us
From bottom of High Street go along Newmarket St past Devonshire pub and turn right on the Ginnel (1/4 mile). Bus station: turn left out of bus station then bear right to bottom of High Street. Train station: Go right along road outside station. 800 yards to High Street. (1/2 mile). Free parking in Skipton is scarce. Best to use the pay car park behind the town hall. Leave by the exit flanked by Albion pub, walk straight onward 200 yards to Ginnel in Newmarket Street.