Okehampton Quaker Meeting
Meeting details
Meeting size
When we meet
Sunday at 10:30am
We rent the venue. During June, July and August 2023 Okehampton Meeting for Worship will be held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from 10.30-11.30.
Children and young people
Children's meeting, 2nd Sunday of month.
Contact details
Phone number:
01837 558 05
- Wheelchair access
- Wheelchair accessible toilet
- Parking
- Hearing loop
Accessibility notes
Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet and car-parking space. Hearing loop.
Ockment Centre
North Street
EX20 1AR
View directions to here on Google Maps
How to find us
North Street is off Fore Street, the main street in town. It is one way so you will need to drive down Northfield Road and turn left at the end. There is very limited parking at the Ockment Centre. The Ockment Centre can also be accessed by walking over the bridge from the supermarket car parks. Please ring for details if not sure.