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Milton Keynes Quaker Meeting

Meeting details

Meeting size


When we meet

Sunday at 10:30am

Sunday from 10:30am to 11:30am is a blended meeting for worship with some people attending at home on Zoom. Wednesdays from 12:45pm to 1:30pm is a smaller, more intimate meeting (not on Zoom). Fourth Thursday of the month from 7:15pm to 8:00pm, with supper from 6:00pm. We share a simple, prepared vegetarian meal (vegan options available) before gathering for the Meeting for Worship (not on Zoom). Wardens contact number 07942 355 257.

Children and young people

Children's meeting on the third Sunday of the month. Please contact for details if you would like to bring children.

Contact details

Phone number:

07942 355 257



  • Wheelchair access
  • Wheelchair accessible toilet
  • Parking
  • Hearing loop

Accessibility notes

Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet and car-parking space. Hearing loop.

Handsome single-storey modern building with attractive garden.



Quaker Centre
1 Oakley Gardens
Downhead Park
Milton Keynes
MK15 9BH

View directions to here on Google Maps

How to find us

Bus 1 to Overstreet (V9) by the Cross and Stable Church, or bus 3 to Downs Barn Boulevard, before the junction with Overstreet (V9). Station: Central Milton Keynes, 2 miles. On city grid road V9 (Overstreet), between H4 and H5. Please contact for details.