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Central Fife Quaker Meeting

Meeting details

Meeting size


When we meet

2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of month at 10:30am

Also meet 1st Sundays in Linburn Scout Hall Abbey View Dunfermline KY11 4HA

Children and young people

Children's meeting on the 4th Sunday.

Contact details

Phone number:

07927 555 459



Accessibility notes

No access or facilities for wheelchair users. No hearing loop.



Auld Kirk
28 Kirk Wynd

View directions to here on Google Maps

How to find us

The Old Kirk is not far from the rail or bus stations. From bus station: Route with steps: go out to Hunter Place, turn right and then right again into Hunter Street, go to the far end, where you will find steps on the straight ahead of you, through a gap in an old stone wall. Follow these steps up to the Old Kirk. Route without steps: go out to Hunter Place, turn right and then right again into Hunter Street, go to the far end, turn left when Hunter Street meets Kirk Wynd, turn right on to Townsend Place. Follow the road until you can turn right on to Oswalds Wynd and then take a right turn after some flats on to Church Lane. You will find the Old Kirk in front of you at the end of the lane. From the railway station: Route with steps: go down across the Memorial Park to the crossroads and follow St Brycedale Avenue on to Townsend Place. Turn right on to Kirk Wynd. Roughly where the street connects with Hunter Street you will find steps on the left side of the street, through a gap in an old stone wall. Follow these steps up to the Old Kirk. Route without steps: go down across the Memorial Park to the crossroads and follow St Brycedale Avenue on to Townsend Place. Turn right on to Oswalds Wynd and then right after some flats on to church lane. You will see the Old Kirk in front of you at the end of the lane. By car: You will find car parking available within the Oswalds Wynd car park. Parking is free until 1pm.