Broadstairs Quaker Meeting
Meeting details
Meeting size
When we meet
Sunday at 10:30am
Meeting on 4th Sunday, 10:30am at Golf Road Centre, 28 Golf Road, Deal, CT14 6PY and also on the last Tuesday of March, July and November 2:30pm at Drapers Homes, St Peter's Road, Margate. Experiment with Light 2.30pm on last Saturday of month.
Contact details
Phone number:
01843 862 041
- Wheelchair access
- Wheelchair accessible toilet
- Hearing loop
Accessibility notes
Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users via ramp, including toilet but no car-parking space. Hearing loop.
Friends Meeting House
9 St Peters Park Road
CT10 2BL
View directions to here on Google Maps
How to find us
On corner of junction with Fordoun Road (entrance in Fordoun Road). 200 metres from Broadstairs railway station. Bus stop St Peter's Park Road. Pay and display car park opposite meeting house in St Peter's Park Road.