Grant-making is an important area of turning our faith into action. Through grants we support groups and individuals in work and development around our values.
We offer grants to projects and programmes. The Quaker Peace & Social Witness Relief Grants support worldwide projects relieving suffering of those affected by natural disaster, climate change, war or conflict. The Simmons Grants work to enable rural young people around the world to become self sufficient or to support their education.
Quaker Housing Trust is Quakers in Britain's own housing charity that aims to use its resources where they can make a genuine and positive difference to redress the worsening inequality in housing options in Britain today.
Grants for Quaker meetings help make improvements to their premises.
We also make grants to individuals aimed at those affected by long-term unemployment, those looking to start a business, and mature students entering further or higher education.
Friends who are prevented from attending Yearly Meeting by financial constraints can apply for a bursary.
We also have a relatively new grants scheme for 18–35-year-olds to help young adult Quakers to participate more fully in the life of Quakers in Britain.