A place for insight, analysis and action.
21 May 2021
Now is the time to act on the Policing Bill
by Olivia Hanks
Olivia Hanks outlines key action to take now to challenge the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.
19 May 2021
3 things to expect from the Scottish Parliament that aren’t an independence referendum
by Andrew Tomlinson
From tax reform to the climate crisis, Andrew Tomlinson takes a look at what to expect from the Scottish Parliament that isn't an independence referendum.
22 April 2021
What's wrong with the Armed Forces Bill?
by Ellis Brooks
Ellis Brooks outlines the key Quaker concerns about the Armed Forces Bill, including under-18 recruitment and Armed Forces Covenants.
8 April 2021
Protecting the right to protest: action you can take
by Grace Da Costa
Grace Da Costa shares how you can take action to oppose the draconian new powers in the Policing Bill.
8 April 2021
How Quakers can respond to the government's new immigration plan
by Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network
The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network explore the UK government's new immigration plan and outline what Quakers can do to respond.
12 March 2021
Why protest shouldn’t be prevented
by Oliver Robertson
Oliver Robertson looks at current government proposals to limit protest rights in Britain.
21 January 2021
Contacting your MP: why, when and how
by Grace Da Costa
Grace Da Costa introduces a new resource to help Quakers connect with politicians and make change happen.
18 December 2020
The nuclear ban treaty: why international law matters
by Marigold Bentley
Marigold Bentley explains why international law is a vital part of the toolkit for creating a better world.
3 December 2020
How Quakers are championing democracy
by Grace Da Costa
Recent government initiatives are making it more difficult for campaigning voices from faith and other groups to be heard. Grace Da Costa explores the impact of this chilling effect on civil society, and shares what Quakers are doing to counteract it.
10 September 2020
6 principles for a green and just recovery
by Olivia Hanks
We need to come together to ensure that climate justice is central to the post-Covid future of our economy, says Olivia Hanks.